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South Shields Police Helmet Plate - Queen'...
South Shields Police Helmet Plate - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome helmet plate for the South Shields Police.2 pieceIn good..
Liverpool City Police White Metal Wreath H...
Liverpool City Police White Metal Wreath Helmet Plate
A white metal, wreath helmet plate for the Liverpool City Police.In good conditi..
Northamptonshire Special Constabulary Cap ...
Northamptonshire Special Constabulary Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome cap badge for the Northamptonshire Special Constabulary.I..
Lincolnshire Special Constabulary Enamelle...
Lincolnshire Special Constabulary Enamelled Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel cap badge for the Lincolnshire Special Constab..
Liverpool Special Constabulary Enamelled L...
Liverpool Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the Liverpool Special Constabu..