Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

Books - Badges of Office (police) by M. B ...
Books - Badges of Office (police) by M. B Taylor and V. L Wilkinson
An illustrated guide to helmets and badges of the British Police 1829 to 1989.148 pag..

Book - Military Badges of the British Empi...
Book - Military Badges of the British Empire 1914-18 by Reginald H. W Cox
Hardback reference book with dust jacket.362 pages with illustrations, maps and pictu..

Book - Scottish Regimental Badges 1793-197...
Book - Scottish Regimental Badges 1793-1971 (inc. Commonwealth Forces) by W. H and K. D Bloomer
Illustrated reference with 1982/83 price guide.76 pages.Hardback book with dust jacke..

Book - Campaign Medals of the British Army...
Book - Campaign Medals of the British Army 1815-1972 by Robert W. Gould
An illustrated reference guide for collectors with 1982/83 price guide.72 pages.Hardb..

Canada WW2 1st Canadian Parachute Battalio...
Canada WW2 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion Officer's Collar Badge
An officer's Second World War unmarked silver and gilt collar badge for the 1st Canad..

Poland WW2 1st Polish Independent Parachut...
Poland WW2 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade Collar Badge
A Second World War collar badge for the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade. In ..

Shanghai Municipal Police Waist Belt Clasp
Shanghai Municipal Police Waist Belt Clasp
A waist belt clasp for the Shanghai Municipal Police.4 piece construction...

Bootle Borough Police Coat of Arms Waist B...
Bootle Borough Police Coat of Arms Waist Belt Clasp
A white metal, coat of arms waist belt clasp for the Bootle Borough Police.In go..

Metropolitan Police 'E' Division (Holborn)...
Metropolitan Police 'E' Division (Holborn) Helmet Plate - King's Crown
A King's crown, blackened brass, star helmet plate for the Metropolitan Police '..

WW1 Victory Medal - Sgt. W. Fox, Essex Reg...
WW1 Victory Medal - Sgt. W. Fox, Essex Regiment - K.I.A. 26/3/17
A first world war casualty Victory Medal awarded to 3150 / 200881Sergeant Walter Fox,..

New Zealand Forces Sweetheart Brooch
New Zealand Forces Sweetheart Brooch
A sweetheart brooch for the New Zealand Forces. Made by J.R. Gaunt, London..

Mizpah Hearts Sweetheart Brooch
Mizpah Hearts Sweetheart Brooch
A brass 'Mizpah Heats' sweetheart brooch. In good condition complete with a pin fixin..

2021 Queen Elizabeth II's 95th Birthday Go...
2021 Queen Elizabeth II's 95th Birthday Gold Proof £1 Coin Cover
Limited edition Harrington & Byrne 2021 QEII's 95th Birthday "Struck on the Day" ..

1911 George V 22ct Gold Half Sovereign Coi...
1911 George V 22ct Gold Half Sovereign Coin
1911 George V half sovereign gold coin. Please see pictures for the coin's cond..

1907 Edward VII 22ct Gold Full Sovereign C...
1907 Edward VII 22ct Gold Full Sovereign Coin
1907 Edward VII full sovereign gold coin. Please see pictures for the coin's co..