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4th Queen's Own Hussars (4H) Shoulder Titl...
4th Queen's Own Hussars (4H) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the 4th Queen's Own Hussars. In good condition comple..
4th Queen's Own Hussars Collar Badge - Que...
4th Queen's Own Hussars Collar Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's Crown bi-metal collar badge for the 4th Queen's Own Hussars. In good c..
16th Royal Canadian Artillery (16 RCA) Clo...
16th Royal Canadian Artillery (16 RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 16th Royal Canadian Artillery. In goo..
10th Royal Canadian Artillery (10 RCA) Clo...
10th Royal Canadian Artillery (10 RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 10th Royal Canadian Artillery. In goo..
2nd Survey Regiment Royal Canadian Artille...
2nd Survey Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery (2 SVY RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 2nd Survey Regiment Royal Canadian Ar..
8th Royal Canadian Artillery (8 RCA) Cloth...
8th Royal Canadian Artillery (8 RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 8th Royal Canadian Artillery. In good..
9th Royal Canadian Artillery (9 RCA) Cloth...
9th Royal Canadian Artillery (9 RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 9th Royal Canadian Artillery. In good..