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Kent County Constabulary Special Police En...
Kent County Constabulary Special Police Enamelled Lapel Badge
A brass and enamel lapel badge for the Kent County Constabulary Special Police.I..
Manchester City Police Special Constable E...
Manchester City Police Special Constable Enamelled Lapel Badge
A gilding metal and enamel, special constable lapel badge for the Manchester Cit..
WW1 St. Albans Special Constable 1914 Enam...
WW1 St. Albans Special Constable 1914 Enamelled Lapel Badge
A first world war, gilding and enamel, lapel badge for the St. Albans Special Constab..
West Sussex Special Constabulary Enamelled...
West Sussex Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the West Sussex Special Consta..
Glamorgan Special Constabulary Enamelled L...
Glamorgan Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the Glamorgan Special Constabu..
West Suffolk Special Constabulary Enamelle...
West Suffolk Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge
A gilding metal and enamel lapel badge for the West Suffolk Special Constabulary..
Stirlingshire Special Constabulary Enamell...
Stirlingshire Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the Stirlingshire Special Cons..
Kent Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel ...
Kent Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel, lapel badge for the Kent Special Constabulary..
Norfolk Constabulary Special Constable Lap...
Norfolk Constabulary Special Constable Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, bronze, special constable, lapel badge for the Norfolk Constabul..
Walsall Special Constabulary Cap Badge - K...
Walsall Special Constabulary Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome cap badge for the Walsall Special Constabulary.In good co..