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Royal Welsh Fusiliers (R.W.F.) Shoulder Ti...
Royal Welsh Fusiliers (R.W.F.) Shoulder Title
A brass 'R.W.F.' shoulder title for the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. In good condition..
7th Hussars (7H) Shoulder Title
7th Hussars (7H) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the 7th Hussars. In good condition complete with lugs..
Pair of Queen's Own Hussars (Q.O.H.) Shoul...
Pair of Queen's Own Hussars (Q.O.H.) Shoulder Titles
A pair of brass 'Q.O.H.' shoulder titles for the Queen's Own Hussars. In good conditi..
Pair of Royal Marines (RM) Shoulder Titles
Pair of Royal Marines (RM) Shoulder Titles
A pair of brass 'RM' shoulder titles for the Royal Marines. In good condition complet..
Pair of Royal Marines Lovat Dress Collar B...
Pair of Royal Marines Lovat Dress Collar Badges
A pair of bronze lovat dress collar badges for the Royal Marines. Made by Buttons Ltd..
Pair of Leicestershire Regiment Bi-Metal C...
Pair of Leicestershire Regiment Bi-Metal Collar Badges
A pair of bi-metal collar badges for the Leicestershire Regiment. In good condition c..
Pair of 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards Anodi...
Pair of 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards Anodised (Staybrite) Collar Badges
A pair of anodised collar badges for the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards. In good condit..
Pair of 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards White...
Pair of 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards White Metal Collar Badges
A pair of white metal collar badges for the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards. In good con..