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Dorset & Bournemouth Constabulary Cap ...
Dorset & Bournemouth Constabulary Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome cap badge for the Dorset & Bournemouth Constabulary...
Stockport Borough Police Wreath Helmet Pla...
Stockport Borough Police Wreath Helmet Plate - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome, wreath helmet plate for the Stockport Borough Police.In ..
Reading Special Constabulary Enamelled Cap...
Reading Special Constabulary Enamelled Cap/Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, enamelled cap/lapel badge for the Reading Special Constabulary.I..
Brighton Police Special Constable Enamelle...
Brighton Police Special Constable Enamelled Lapel Badge
A brass and enamel, special constable lapel badge for the Brighton Police.Made b..
County of Devon Special Constable Enamelle...
County of Devon Special Constable Enamelled Lapel Badge
A gilt and enamel lapel badge for the County of Devon Special Constable.Made by ..
Devon Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel...
Devon Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge
A gilt and enamel lapel badge for the Devon Special Constabulary.Made by J. R. G..
East Riding Special Constabulary Enamelled...
East Riding Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the East Riding Special Consta..
Surrey Special Constabulary Enamelled Lape...
Surrey Special Constabulary Enamelled Lapel Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome and enamel lapel badge for the Surrey Special Constabula..