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Scottish Cadets Glengarry Badge
Scottish Cadets Glengarry Badge
A white meal glengarry badge for the Scottish Cadets. In good condition complete..
Bridlington Grammar School, Yorkshire O.T....
Bridlington Grammar School, Yorkshire O.T.C. Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for the Bridlington Grammar School, Yorkshire O.T.C.. In good ..
Magdalen College School, Oxford O.T.C. Cap...
Magdalen College School, Oxford O.T.C. Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for the Magdalen College School, Oxford O.T.C.. In good condit..
Manchester University O.T.C. Cap Badge
Manchester University O.T.C. Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for the Manchester University O.T.C.. In good condition comple..
Monmouth School O.T.C. Anodised (Staybrite...
Monmouth School O.T.C. Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
An anodised cap badge for the Monmouth School O.T.C.. Made by Firmin, London. In..