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Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Anodised (Staybri...
Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
An anodised cap badge for the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry.Made by J. R. Gaunt B'ham..
Bedfordshire Regiment (Territorials) Anodi...
Bedfordshire Regiment (Territorials) Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
An anodised cap badge for the Bedfordshire Regiment (Territorials).Made by J. R...
EIIR Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.) O...
EIIR Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.) Officer's Cap Badge
A Queen's crown, officer's cap badge for the Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.).In g..
Royal Australian Corps of Transport Anodis...
Royal Australian Corps of Transport Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
A Queen's crown, anodised cap badge for the Royal Australian Corps of Transport...
Royal Navy Silver & Enamel Sweetheart ...
Royal Navy Silver & Enamel Sweetheart Brooch/Tie Pin
A King's crown, silver & enamel sweetheart brooch for the Royal Navy.Stamped..
Royal Artillery Mother of Pearl on Brass H...
Royal Artillery Mother of Pearl on Brass Heart Sweetheart Brooch
A mother of pearl on brass, heart sweetheart brooch for the Royal Artillery.In g..