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King's School Canterbury O.T.C. (KING'S/O....
King's School Canterbury O.T.C. (KING'S/O.T.C./CANTERBURY) Shoulder Title
A brass 'KING'S/O.T.C./CANTERBURY' shoulder title for the King's School Canterbu..
King's College School, Wimbledon O.T.C. (K...
King's College School, Wimbledon O.T.C. (KING'S COLLEGE/O.T.C./SCHOOL) Shoulder Title
A brass 'KING'S COLLEGE/O.T.C./SCHOOL' shoulder title for the King's Colleg..
Boys Technical School (B.T.S.) Shoulder Ti...
Boys Technical School (B.T.S.) Shoulder Title
A brass 'B.T.S.' shoulder title for the Boys Technical School. In good condition..
Army Technical Schools (A.T.S.) Shoulder T...
Army Technical Schools (A.T.S.) Shoulder Title
A brass 'A.T.S.' shoulder title for the Army Technical Schools. In good conditio..
Pair of Bank Top Cadets (B.T.C.) Shoulder ...
Pair of Bank Top Cadets (B.T.C.) Shoulder Titles
A pair of brass 'B.T.C.' shoulder titles for the Bank Top Cadets. In good condition c..
Brighton College O.T.C. (BRIGHTON/OTC/COLL...
Brighton College O.T.C. (BRIGHTON/OTC/COLLEGE) Shoulder Title
A 'BRIGHTON/OTC/COLLEGE' shoulder title for the Brighton College O.T.C.. In good..
Bradfield College O.T.C. (O.T.C./BRADFIELD...
Bradfield College O.T.C. (O.T.C./BRADFIELD) Shoulder Title
A brass 'O.T.C./BRADFIELD' shoulder title for the Bradfield College O.T.C.. In g..
Bedford Modern School O.T.C. (BEDFORD/O.T....
Bedford Modern School O.T.C. (BEDFORD/O.T.C./MODERN SCHOOL) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the Bedford Modern School O.T.C.. In good condition c..
Bristol Grammar School O.T.C. (O.T.C./BRIS...
Bristol Grammar School O.T.C. (O.T.C./BRISTOL) Shoulder Title
A brass 'O.T.C./BRISTOL' shoulder title for the Bristol Grammar School O.T.C.. I..
Aberdeen University O.T.C. (ABERDEEN/O.T.C...
Aberdeen University O.T.C. (ABERDEEN/O.T.C./UNIVERSITY)Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the Aberdeen University O.T.C.. In good condition com..
Aldenham School O.T.C. (ALDENHAM/O.T.C./SC...
Aldenham School O.T.C. (ALDENHAM/O.T.C./SCHOOL) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the Aldenham School O.T.C.. In good condition complet..
Royal Irish Regiment (ROYAL IRISH) Shoulde...
Royal Irish Regiment (ROYAL IRISH) Shoulder Title
A brass 'ROYAL IRISH' shoulder title for the Royal Irish Regiment. In good condi..
York & Lancaster Regiment (Y&L) Sh...
York & Lancaster Regiment (Y&L) Shoulder Title
A brass 'Y&L' shoulder title for the York & Lancaster Regiment. In good ..
1st Royal Dragoons (ROYALS) Shoulder Title
1st Royal Dragoons (ROYALS) Shoulder Title
A brass 'ROYALS' shoulder title for the 1st Royal Dragoons. In good condition co..