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Manchester University O.T.C. Anodised (Sta...
Manchester University O.T.C. Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
An anodised cap badge for the Manchester University O.T.C. Made by J. R. Ga..
Army Apprentices School Anodised (Staybrit...
Army Apprentices School Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, anodised cap badge for the Army Apprentices School.Made by J. R..
Christ's Hospital School C.C.F. Anodised (...
Christ's Hospital School C.C.F. Anodised (Staybrite) Cap Badge
An anodised cap badge for the Christ's Hospital School C.C.F.In good condition c..
Princess of Wale's Royal Regiment Enamelle...
Princess of Wale's Royal Regiment Enamelled Cap Badge
An enamelled cap badge for the Princess of Wale's Royal Regiment.In good conditi..
The King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment ...
The King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for the The King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment.In good cond..
British Army Blacksmith/Articifer Brass Tr...
British Army Blacksmith/Articifer Brass Trade Badge
A brass trade badge for the British Army Blacksmith/Articifer.In good condition ..