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Staffordshire Police Enamelled Helmet Plat...
Staffordshire Police Enamelled Helmet Plate - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome and enamel helmet plate for the Staffordshire Police.In ..
North Yorkshire Police Helmet Plate - Quee...
North Yorkshire Police Helmet Plate - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome helmet plate for the North Yorkshire Police.EIIR centre...
South Wales Constabulary Helmet Plate - Qu...
South Wales Constabulary Helmet Plate - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome helmet plate for the South Wales Constabulary.One piece...
Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Cap Badg...
Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome cap badge for the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.In g..
Hertfordshire Special Constabulary Herts S...
Hertfordshire Special Constabulary Herts Special Constable Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown, chrome, Herts special constable cap badge for the Hertfordshire..