Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary Cap ...
East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown chrome cap badge for the East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary. Made ..

Inns of Court Yeomanry Officer's Button (S...
Inns of Court Yeomanry Officer's Button (Small)
An officer's button for the Inns of Court Yeomanry. In good condition complete with f..

Queen's South Africa Medal (Clasp - Orange...
Queen's South Africa Medal (Clasp - Orange Free State, Transvaal, Laing's Nek) - Pte. J. Cartwright, West Yorkshire Regiment
A Boer war 3 clasp QSA medal to 1690 Private J. Cartwright, West Yorks Regiment.Queen..

Afghanistan 1878-80 Medal (Clasps - Charas...
Afghanistan 1878-80 Medal (Clasps - Charasia, Kabul) - Sepoy Raj Mohamad, 5th Punjab Infantry
A two clasp Afghanistan medal to Sepoy Raj Mohamad, 5th Punjab Infantry.Afghanistan 1..

Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Officer's ...
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Officer's Button - King's Crown (Small)
An officer's King's crown button for the Cameron Highrs. In good condition complete w..

WW1British War Medal - Fireman E. Cullis, ...
WW1British War Medal - Fireman E. Cullis, Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary
A first world war British war medal to Fireman E. Cullis, Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary...

5th Bn. (Cinque Ports) Royal Sussex Regime...
5th Bn. (Cinque Ports) Royal Sussex Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
An officer's button for the 5th Bn. (Cinque Ports) Royal Sussex Regt. In good conditi..

Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Officers B...
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Officers Button - Large
A King's crown officer's button for the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. In good cond..

South Lancashire Regiment Officer's Button...
South Lancashire Regiment Officer's Button - King's Crown (Large)
An officer's King's Crown button for the South Lancashire Regiment. In good condition..

Victorian Medical Staff Officer's Gilt But...
Victorian Medical Staff Officer's Gilt Button (Large)
A large gilt button for Victorian Medical Staff Officer. Made by Stillwell & Son,..

Border Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
Border Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
An officer's button for the Border Regiment. In good condition complete with fixed sh..

The Royal Scots Officer's Button (Small)
The Royal Scots Officer's Button (Small)
An officer's button for the Royal Scots. In good condition with fixed shank. Made by ..

The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) Offic...
The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) Officer's Button - King's Crown
An officer's King's Crown button for the Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). In good co..

West Yorkshire Regiment Officer's Button (...
West Yorkshire Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
An officer's button for the West Yorkshire Regiment. In good condition with fixed sha..

Durham Light Infantry (D.L.I.) WW2 Plastic...
Durham Light Infantry (D.L.I.) WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the Durham Light Infantry. In good conditio..