Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

Royal Marine Light Infantry (R.M.L.I.) Off...
Royal Marine Light Infantry (R.M.L.I.) Officer's Button - King's Crown
An officer's King's Crown button for the Royal Marine Light Infantry (R.M.L.I.). In g..

West Yorkshire Regiment Officer's Button (...
West Yorkshire Regiment Officer's Button (Small)
An officer's button for the West Yorkshire Regiment. In good condition with fixed sha..

Victorian Medical Staff Officer's Button (...
Victorian Medical Staff Officer's Button (Small)
A Victorian officer's button. In good condition complete with fixing. Made by Harman ..

Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Pouch Badge
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Pouch Badge
A pouch badge for the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. In good condition complete with scr..

Army Pay Corps (A.P.C.) Cap Badge - King's...
Army Pay Corps (A.P.C.) Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown brass cap badge for the Army Pay Corps (A.P.C.). In good condition com..

South Lancashire Regiment Officer's Button...
South Lancashire Regiment Officer's Button - King's Crown (Large)
An officer's King's Crown button for the South Lancashire Regiment. In good condition..

Victorian Bombay Staff Corps Officer's Gil...
Victorian Bombay Staff Corps Officer's Gilt Button (Large)
A large Officer's gilt button for the Victorian Bombay Staff Corps - Queen Victoria's..

Bournemouth Police Helmet Plate - Queen's ...
Bournemouth Police Helmet Plate - Queen's Crown
A Queen's Crown chrome helmet plate for the Bournemouth Police. In good condition com..

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment ...
Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
An officer's button for the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment. In good condit..

Gloucestershire Constabulary Black Wreath ...
Gloucestershire Constabulary Black Wreath Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown black wreath cap badge for the Gloucestershire Constabulary. In good c..

Middlesex Regiment Officer's Button (Large...
Middlesex Regiment Officer's Button (Large)
An officer's button for the Middlesex Regiment. In good condition with fixed shank. M..

Pair of Devon Constabulary Collar Badges
Pair of Devon Constabulary Collar Badges
A pair of chrome collar badges for the Devon Constabulary. In good condition complete..

Victorian South Lancashire Regiment Office...
Victorian South Lancashire Regiment Officer's Button - Large
A Victorian officer's button for the South Lancs Regt. Made by Firmin & Sons, Lon..

12th Royal Lancers Officer's Button (Small...
12th Royal Lancers Officer's Button (Small)
An officer's button for the 12th Royal Lancers. The button has slight polishing to th..

Notts & Derby Regiment (Sherwood Fores...
Notts & Derby Regiment (Sherwood Foresters) Officer's Button (Small)
An officer's button for the Notts & Derby Regiment (Sherwood Foresters). In good ..