Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

Royal Army Chaplains Department (Jewish) S...
Royal Army Chaplains Department (Jewish) Silver, Gilt & Enamel Cap Badge - Queen's Crown
A Queen's crown silver, gilt and enamel cap badge for the Royal Army Chaplains Dept. ..

Royal Logistic Corps Officer's Enamelled C...
Royal Logistic Corps Officer's Enamelled Cap Badge
A Queen's Crown officer's enamelled cap badge for the Royal Logistics Corps. In good ..

ERII Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.) O...
ERII Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.) Officer's Dress Cap Badge
An ERII officer's cap badge for the R.A.S.C. In good condition complete with lugs. Ma..

Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) ...
Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) Officer's Dress Cap Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown silver, gilt and enamel officer's dress cap badge for the Royal Fusili..

3rd Dragoon Guards NCO's Arm Badge
3rd Dragoon Guards NCO's Arm Badge
A white metal NCO's arm badge for the 3rd Dragoon Guards. In good condition complete ..

Northamptonshire Imperial Yeomanry Slouch ...
Northamptonshire Imperial Yeomanry Slouch Hat Badge
A bi-metal other ranks slouch hat badge for the Northamptonshire Imperial Yeomanry. H..

Army Service Corps (A.S.C.) Officer's Pouc...
Army Service Corps (A.S.C.) Officer's Pouch Badge - King's Crown
A King's crown officer's two piece gilt pouch badge for the Army Service Corps. In go..

15th/19th Hussars NCO's Arm Badge - King's...
15th/19th Hussars NCO's Arm Badge - King's Crown
A white metal NCO's arm badge for the 15th/19th Hussars - King's Crown. In good condi..

Victorian Post 1881 York & Lancaster R...
Victorian Post 1881 York & Lancaster Regiment Officer's Waist Belt Clasp
A Victorian post 1881 officer's waist belt clasp for the York & Lancs Regt. Has m..

Victorian Post 1881 East Yorkshire Regimen...
Victorian Post 1881 East Yorkshire Regiment Officer's Waist Belt Clasp
A Victorian post 1881 officer's waist belt clasp for the East Yorks Regt. Has matchin..

Victorian 33rd Regiment of Foot (1st Yorks...
Victorian 33rd Regiment of Foot (1st Yorkshire West Riding Regiment) Officer's Shoulder Belt Plate
A Victorian officer's shoulder belt plate for the 33rd Regt (1st Yorkshire West Ridin..

Sir Walter St John's Battersea Grammar Sch...
Sir Walter St John's Battersea Grammar School Cadet Corps Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for th Sir Walter St John's Battersea Grammar School Cadet Corps. I..

St. Peter's School O.T.C. Cap Badge
St. Peter's School O.T.C. Cap Badge
A brass King's crown cap badge for the St. Peter's School O.T.C. In good condition co..

Dulwich College O.T.C. Cap Badge
Dulwich College O.T.C. Cap Badge
A cap badge for the Dulwich College O.T.C. In good condition complete with lugs...

City of London School O.T.C. Cap Badge
City of London School O.T.C. Cap Badge
A blackened brass cap badge for the City of London School O.T.C. In good condition co..