Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

WW1 Distinguished Conduct Medal - T. R.S.M...
WW1 Distinguished Conduct Medal - T. R.S.Mjr. C Byart, Royal Field Artillery
A first world war D.C.M. to 88563 Temp. Regimental Sergeant Major Charles Byart, Roya..

WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio and 1908 India...
WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio and 1908 India General Service Medal (Clasp - Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919) Group of Four - Bdr. J. Shekelton, Royal Artillery
A first world war and IGS medal group to 33572 Gunner / Bombadier John Shekelton, Roy..

WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio, WW2 Defence M...
WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio, WW2 Defence Medal and Silver Identity Bracelet - Lt. M.A.C. Ritter, Royal Navy
A first world war Naval officer's medal group to Lieutenant Maxwell Alexander Christi..

George VI (GRI) Efficiency Decoration - Da...
George VI (GRI) Efficiency Decoration - Dated 1945
GRI Efficiency Decoration (Reverse Dated 1945) unnamed as issued The medal is in..

Campaign Service Medal (Clasp - Northern I...
Campaign Service Medal (Clasp - Northern Ireland), South Atlantic Medal (with Rosette) and Fire Brigade LS&GC Medal Group - L.Cpl. S.W. Pashley, Royal Signals
This medal trio is to 24369055 Lance Corporal Stephen W. Pashley, Royal Signals.Campa..

Eire General Service Medal 1917-21 (Black ...
Eire General Service Medal 1917-21 (Black and Tan Medal) in Box of Issue - Unnamed
Irish General Service Medal 1917-21 unnamed as issuedComes in original box of is..

Pair of Northumberland Hussars (N.H.) Shou...
Pair of Northumberland Hussars (N.H.) Shoulder Titles
A pair of white metal shoulder titles for the Northumberland Hussars (N.H.). In good ..

Royal Tank Corps (R.T.C.) Shoulder Title
Royal Tank Corps (R.T.C.) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the Royal Tank Corps. In good condition complete with lugs..

Pair of Royal Armoured Corps (R.A.C.) Offi...
Pair of Royal Armoured Corps (R.A.C.) Officer's Shoulder Titles
A pair of 'R.A.C.' officer's shoulder titles for the Royal Armoured Corps. In good co..

16th / 5th Queen's Lancers (16/5L) Shoulde...
16th / 5th Queen's Lancers (16/5L) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the 16/5th Lancers. In good condition complete with lugs...

City of London National Guard Volunteers (...
City of London National Guard Volunteers (C.L.N.G./V) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the City of London National Guard Volunteers. In good cond..

Royal Marines (R.M.) Shoulder Title
Royal Marines (R.M.) Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for the Royal Marines. In good condition complete with lugs...

Royal Tank Regiment (R.T.R.) Officer's Sho...
Royal Tank Regiment (R.T.R.) Officer's Shoulder Title
An officer's shoulder title for the Royal Tank Regt. In good condition complete with ..

York & Lancaster Regiment Helmet Plate...
York & Lancaster Regiment Helmet Plate Centre
A bi-metal helmet plate centre for the York & Lancs Regt. In good condition compl..

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police Collar Bad...
Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police Collar Badge
A chrome collar badge for the Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police. In good condition comp..