Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

Elizabeth II Special Constabulary Long Ser...
Elizabeth II Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - Joshua J. Smith
Elizabeth II Special Constabulary Long Service Medal named to Joshua J. SmithThe..

Elizabeth II Special Constabulary Long Ser...
Elizabeth II Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - Fred Kellett
ERII Special Constabulary Long Service Medal named to Fred KellettThe medal is i..

ERII Police Exemplary Long Service & G...
ERII Police Exemplary Long Service & Good Conduct Medal - Sergt. Alexander S. McCabe
Elizabeth II Police Long Service & Good Conduct Medal named to Sergt. Alexan..

George VI Special Constabulary Long Servic...
George VI Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - John Dodds
George VI Special Constabulary Long Service Medal named to John DoddsIn good con..

WW2 Defence Medal and George VI Special Co...
WW2 Defence Medal and George VI Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - Arthur R. Voller
WW2 Defence Medal unnamed as issuedGeorge VI Special Constabulary Long Service M..

Royal Ulster Constabulary Service Medal in...
Royal Ulster Constabulary Service Medal in Box of Issue - R/Const. K.G. Hancock
Royal Ulster Constabulary Service Medal named to R/Const K G HancockThe medal is..

Lincolnshire Special Constabulary Father &...
Lincolnshire Special Constabulary Father & Son Medal Group - Parker Family
A family medal group to William R. Parker and his son of the same name. Both men serv..