Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..

Canadian 4th Overseas Pioneers Battalion O...
Canadian 4th Overseas Pioneers Battalion Officer's Collar Badge
An officer's collar badge for the 4th Pioneer Bn CEF. In good condition complete with..

Indian Army 2nd Hyderabad Imperial Service...
Indian Army 2nd Hyderabad Imperial Service Lancers Cap Badge
A cap badge for the 2nd Hyderabad Imperial Service Lancers. In good condition complet..

Canadian Machine Gun Corps Collar Badge
Canadian Machine Gun Corps Collar Badge
A brass collar badge for the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. In good condition complete w..

George VI Royal Canadian Engineers Cap Bad...
George VI Royal Canadian Engineers Cap Badge
A brass King's crown George VI cap badge for the Royal Canadian Engineers. In good co..

Pair of Royal Canadian Army Ordnance Corps...
Pair of Royal Canadian Army Ordnance Corps Officer's Service Dress Collar Badges - King's Crown
A pair of King's crown officer's service dress collar badges for the Royal Canadian O..

Canadian 2nd Armoured Car Regiment Cap Bad...
Canadian 2nd Armoured Car Regiment Cap Badge
A second world war bronze cap badge for the 2nd Armoured Car Regt. Made by W. Scully ..

Canadian Infantry 31st Alberta Overseas Bn...
Canadian Infantry 31st Alberta Overseas Bn. Collar Badge
A King's crown collar badge for the 31st Alberta Overseas Battalion. In good conditio..

WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair -...
WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair - 1.A.M. H. Bird, Royal Air Force
British War Medal named to 59960 1.A.M. H. Bird. R.A.F.WW1 Victory Medal na..

WW2 Defence & War Medal and ERII Speci...
WW2 Defence & War Medal and ERII Special Constabulary Long Service Medal Group of Three - Dudley O. Keating
WW2 Defence Medal unnamed as issued1939-45 War Medal unnamed as issuedERI Special Con..

1977 Silver Jubilee Medal & Police Lon...
1977 Silver Jubilee Medal & Police Long Service & Good Conduct Medal - Const. G.A. Kendall, Nottinghamshire Combined Constabulary
1977 Silver Jubilee Medal engraved to Det. A. KendallERII Police Long Service &a..

1911 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal ...
1911 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal - P.C. H. Drew
1911 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal named to P.C. H. Drew.The medal is in ..

1911 St. John Ambulance Brigade Coronation...
1911 St. John Ambulance Brigade Coronation Medal - Sgt. J.G. Heather
1911 St John Ambulance Brigade Coronation Medal named to Sgt. J.G. Heather.The m..

WW2 Defence Medal and George VI Police Lon...
WW2 Defence Medal and George VI Police Long Service & Good Conduct Medal - Const. William W. Smith
WW2 Defence Medal unnamed as issuedGeorge VI Police Long Service & Good Cond..

George V Special Constabulary Long Service...
George V Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - Herbert E. Copeman
George V Special Constabulary Long Service Medal named to Herbert E. CopemanThe medal..

George V Special Constabulary Long Service...
George V Special Constabulary Long Service Medal - Leo Ricken
George V Special Constabulary Long Service Medal named to Leo RickenThe medal is in g..