Sales Archive
This section is an archive of previously sold items. We hope it may provide a useful resource for people to help value medals or badges or just for those trying to do some research .
If you want any information about your collection or you are trying to sell medals, badges, coins or militaria please visit our Something to Sell page..
Volunteer Reserves Service Medal - S.Sgt. ...
Volunteer Reserves Service Medal - S.Sgt. K. Holdstock, Royal Signals
A VRSM to 24323909 Staff Sergeant K Holdstock, Royal Signals.Volunteer Reserves Servi..
Campaign Service Medal (Clasp - South Arab...
Campaign Service Medal (Clasp - South Arabia) - Captain M.H. Brown, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
Campaign Service Medal (Clasp - South Arabia) named to Capt. M.H. Brown. REME.Th..
1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation and 1953 Cor...
1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation and 1953 Coronation Medal Trio
1935 George V Silver Jubilee Medal unnamed as issued1937 George VI Coronation Me..
WW2 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star, Burma Sta...
WW2 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star, Burma Star & War Medal Group of Four - Unattributed
An unattributed second world war medal group. Swing mounted for wear.1939-45 Star&nbs..
WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair -...
WW1 British War & Victory Medal Pair - Pte. J. Skerratt, Lincolnshire Regiment
A first world war medal pair to 39118 Private Joseph Skerratt, Lincolnshire Regt..
WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio - Gsr./Dkyn. F...
WW1 1914-15 Star Medal Trio - Gsr./Dkyn. F. Clayton, Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary
A first world war medal trio to Greaser / Donkeyman F. Clayton, Mercantile Fleet Auxi..
ERII British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) in Box ...
ERII British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) in Box of Issue - Miss Isabella Marchant Moyse
A boxed BEM awarded to Miss Isabella Marchant Hope.ERII British Empire Medal nam..
WW2 and General Service Medal (Clasp - Nea...
WW2 and General Service Medal (Clasp - Near East) Group of Five - C.Sgt. R.D.B. Liddell, York & Lancaster Regiment
A group of five to 22522004 Colour Sergeant R.D.B. Liddell, York & Lancs Regt.193..
WW1 Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1914-15 S...
WW1 Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1914-15 Star Trio, WW2 Defence & War Medal Group of Six - B.S.Mjr. G. Dunger, Royal Horse Artillery / Royal Field Artillery - Wounded
A first world war DCM group to 45576 B.S.Mjr. George Dunger, Royal Horse Artillery an..
West Yorkshire Regiment WW2 Plastic Econom...
West Yorkshire Regiment WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the West Yorks Regiment. Has F&G (Frase..
Gloucestershire Regiment WW2 Plastic Econo...
Gloucestershire Regiment WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the Gloucestershire Regt. In good condition..
Devonshire Regiment WW2 Plastic Economy Ca...
Devonshire Regiment WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the Devonshire Regt. Made by A. Stabley &am..
Royal Scots WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
Royal Scots WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the Royal Scots. Made by A. Stanley & S..
North Staffordshire Regiment WW2 Plastic E...
North Staffordshire Regiment WW2 Plastic Economy Cap Badge
A WW2 plastic economy issue cap badge for the North Staffs Regt. In good condition co..
Edward VII Royal Artillery Officer's Blue ...
Edward VII Royal Artillery Officer's Blue Cloth Helmet Plate
An Edward VII officers blue cloth helmet plate for the Royal Artillery. In good condi..